Lynne Peeples is a Seattle-based author, speaker, and journalist who specializes in medicine, public health, and the environment.

It’s Time to Do Away With Early School Start Times
The first bell echoes off the bricked hallways of Lindbergh High School in Renton, Washington, warning dazed and coffee-clutching students to pick up their pace…
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Lessons from the COVID data wizards
Data dashboards have been an important part of pandemic response and planning. What have their developers learnt about communicating science in a crisis?
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‘We’ve always known ours was contaminated’: the trouble with America’s water
Ageing infrastructure, legacy pollution and emerging contaminants across the US are driving a growing urgency to do something about America’s water crisis
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In the Battle Over Lead Ammunition, Science Collides With Culture
Scientists say lead bullets have real environmental and health risks. The gun industry disagrees. Who’s right?
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